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Stefano Distilli is the new Chairman of Cassa Dottori Commercialisti for the 2020-2024 term. He was born, lives and works in Aosta.
Mr Disitilli became a Chartered Accountant in 1994. Inter alia, he also served as Chairman and CEO of Servizi Previdenziali Valle d’Aosta Spa, an in-house company dealing with social security services and advisory for Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta.
He was reappointed as Board member of Cassa Dottori Commercialisti for a second term. During the first one, he also served as Head of the Financial Investment Committee. Previously appointed as Delegate from 2008 to 2016, he was also member of the “CNPADC and Welfare of the Unione Nazionale Giovani Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili” Committee.
As an expert in social security, since 2007 he is a subject matter expert at Public Finance studies at the Università della Valle d’Aosta.

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